Knock, knock. Who’s there?

Leicester Productions is a non-profit 501c3 designed to support local filmmakers and journalists tell stories about their communities. Our hope is that by giving local documentary filmmakers a space to share their voices, our communities will benefit from seeing the diversity around them.

We are Salt Lake City-based and intensely focused on showing how incredible our city is. And if the lake dries up and we all die, then our work will be proof to the aliens that not everything was terrible.

Salt Lake City


Local Stories


Salt Lake City 〰️ Local Stories 〰️

Everyone can benefit from learning about the community they live in.

  • We understand what it’s like to have an amazing story but no resources to put it to film. That’s why we want to enable local filmmakers to create documentaries about stories in their communities.

  • What would it be like to know everyone in your city? We posit that if everyone knew what kind of diversity existed in their neighborhoods, people would be more accepting and inviting. That’s why we want to provide free content to our community about our community.

  • We believe that the more we can enable local filmmakers and journalists, we’ll be able to see an increase in the quality of content being created about our cities and communities.

“It's a topsy-turvy world, and maybe the problems of people don't amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill, and these are our beans.”

— Leslie Nielsen as Lt. Frank Debrin

Learn more about our team.

You’re probably wondering who is behind all this genius. Take a minute and learn more about the team that makes all this happen.

Take a look at our programs.

We’re nothing without the programs that make up our organization. Look at all the programs we offer, especially if you are a filmmaker of any experience.